Söder calls for federal emergency brake and mandatory vaccination from January 1

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder has called on the federal government to act quickly on the coronavirus crisis in Germany. “We need an effective national strategy,” – Söder said Friday in Rosenheim. What is needed is a “unified federal emergency brake” and a faster conference of presiding ministers.

There also needs to be a rapid introduction of universal mandatory vaccination – preferably as early as January 1. “We need compulsory vaccination and we need it as soon as possible. In addition, action must be taken on the new mutation from South Africa – a ban on entry from South Africa is necessary, the politician said.

Söder and Health Minister Klaus Holetschek (both CSU) traveled Friday to areas in southeastern Bavaria where the incidence of the disease is currently highest to get an idea of the coronavirus situation. Before noon, they met with representatives of the city of Rosenheim and surrounding counties.

source: www.sueddeutsche.de

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