Slight majority of Germans will not miss Angela Merkel

According to a poll, more than half of Germans will not miss Angela Merkel as chancellor. This was the opinion of 52 percent of respondents in a poll conducted by the Civey polling institute on behalf of the “Augsburger Allgemeine”. When asked “Will you miss Angela Merkel after the end of her term as Chancellor?” they answered “No, definitely not” or “Rather not”. In contrast, 38 percent said they would miss the CDU politician as chancellor. 10 percent were undecided.

According to the report, the percentage of those who say they will miss Merkel is highest among CDU/CSU supporters at 63 percent. Among AfD voters surveyed, however, the percentage was only two percent.

After 16 years as chancellor, Merkel will not seek re-election and will retire from politics.


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