Pediatricians Association President: “Mandatory vaccination for certain professions should be considered”

President of the Professional Association of Pediatricians and Adolescent Physicians Thomas Fischbach came up with the idea of mandatory coronavirus vaccination for educators in nurseries and schools, as well as health care workers and nurses.

“If many workers in daycare centers, schools and clinics continue to refuse to be vaccinated, the legislature should seriously consider mandatory vaccination in these vulnerable areas,” – Fischbach said in an interview with Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung. “Anyone who deals with sensitive groups and refuses their own vaccinations has turned off their mind,” – he said.

In addition to politicians, Fischbach also sees the responsibility of company doctors in hospitals: “They need to educate and remind medical staff of their duty to help the sick and protect them from infections.” There is also the possibility, covered by the Infection Control Act, for hospitals or nursing homes to dismiss vaccine refusers, he said. “If there are still outbreaks in nursing homes after months of over-vaccination, you have to tighten your belt, and lack of skilled workers cannot be a counterargument,” – Fischbach said.


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