German chancellor candidate Scholz calls vaccinated people “guinea pigs”

50 million vaccinated people in Germany are “guinea pigs”? With this statement, SPD candidate for Chancellor Olaf Scholz (63) caused quite a stir and came under heavy criticism from Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (41, CDU) and CDU/CSU candidate for Chancellor Armin Laschet (60, CDU).

At election rallies, Scholz, while promoting vaccination, referred to Germany’s more than 50 million vaccinated people as “guinea pigs” for the population that has not yet been vaccinated.

Scholz encourages vaccination

According to Radio NRW, he also used the phrase in an interview with local radio stations in NRW. “Fifty million people have already been vaccinated twice. We were guinea pigs for those who waited until now. Therefore, as one of those 50 million, I say: It went well! Please join us!” – said the SPD candidate for chancellor, according to the editorial.

Spahn and Laschet criticize Scholz

“This choice of words is an opportunity for those who want to undermine trust in vaccination by preaching half-truths and falsehoods,” Health Minister Spahn (CDU) wrote on Twitter.

Union candidate for chancellor Armin Laschet also accused Scholz of irresponsibility. “This is an irresponsible statement,” – Laschet said Saturday at the CDU Brandenburg party conference. “People are not guinea pigs.”

He added that coronavirus vaccines were thoroughly tested before being approved. “I call on Olaf Scholz to refrain from using such terms,” he said.


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