First prison sentence for a forged vaccination card in Germany!

Until now, people caught with a forged vaccination card were sentenced to a fine in Germany. Now, a breakthrough has taken place, and the district court of Landstuhl (Rhineland-Palatinate) has handed down a prison sentence in this case for the first time in Germany (AZ case: 2 Cs 4106 Js 15848/21).

Two months ago, a man went to a pharmacy with a forged vaccination card in order to obtain a valid covid certificate. However, the pharmacy employee noticed that the lot numbers on the stickers had already expired and the vaccination was not reliable. He called the police.

The courier company employee, who had a previous record for other offenses, was sentenced to three months of suspended imprisonment for falsifying documents.

According to the justification of the sentence, the punishment was also imposed from the “point of view of general prevention.” In other words, as a deterrent!

For the first time in Germany, the court confirmed that pharmacists are not bound by a duty of secrecy in such a case and can bring charges against a customer.

Chambers and associations welcomed the judgment. Gabriele Regina Overwiening, president of the Federal Association of German Pharmacists: “This gives pharmacies more security.”


All content published on the website is protected under German copyright law, Urheberrechtsgesetz (§ 52 ff UrhG).

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