Berlin wants to take in 500 Afghan refugees over the next five years

Berlin plans to take in a total of 500 refugees from Afghanistan in need of special protection over the next five years. This is what the Senate of the German capital decided on Tuesday at what is likely to be its last meeting in its old composition.

This means that under Berlin’s refugee admission program, one hundred people deemed particularly vulnerable by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) (e.g. opposition members or human rights activists) are to be admitted each year.

Special regulations for relatives of Afghan refugees from Berlin

The Senate explained that the program is aimed at people who have not yet received permission to come to Germany from the federal government. At the same time, for “humanitarian reasons,” the Senate decided to facilitate the right of entry for relatives of Afghan refugees who are already living in Berlin. Similar exemptions previously applied to relatives of refugees from Syria and Iraq.


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